The 2023 Engineering Expo, with public displays of capstone projects, is scheduled for Friday, June 9 at Kelley Engineering Center and the surrounding area. An Engineering Virtual Expo display component of the event is also planned. The Virtual Expo component will feature project display pages and the abilty for attendees to send messages to each project team, but will not include live video chat rooms. All project teams that register for the in-person Expo component must also create a project display page for the Virtual Expo component. Teams who wish to participate only in the Virtual Expo may do so if they receive approval from their capstone instructor.

Each year the Engineering Expo is attended by alumni, donors, OSU students, high school students, faculty, staff, and members of the general public. The event is an opportunity for you to showcase your project and answer questions about it. Industry judges from several companies will review projects and present awards to selected teams. 

Use the buttons on this page, beginning with the "Project team checklist" button, to navigate the process of entering your project into the Engineering Expo.

Please note: Due to staffing transitions, the email archive mentioned in the orientation video has been removed.