Project Description: 

The goal of the Experimental Sounding Rocket Association (ESRA) team is to design, manufacture, test, and compete with a rocket that can reach an altitude of 30,000 feet with a student researched and developed solid rocket propulsion system and scientific payload. The Aerodynamics and Recovery sub-team is responsible for the aerodynamic components of the rocket as well as the rocket’s recovery and ejection systems. This requires the sub-team to design the shape and size for the rocket’s nose cone and fins, as well as a drogue and main parachute. It also includes manufacturing the parachutes, testing the rocket’s ejection system, and verifying the rocket’s performance through simulation.

Project Team Member(s): 
Annalise Daul
Mikayla Farr
Hayden Ferrell
College of Engineering Unit(s): 
Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering
Undergraduate Project
YouTube Video Link(s): 
2019-2020 OSU ESRA Team Video
2019-2020 ESRA Dual-Deploy Altimeter Testing
Industry Sponsor: 
Project ID: