College of Engineering Unit:
According to CollegeData.com, “The average price of books and school supplies for students at both public and private colleges in 2021-2022 is $1,240.” Alert was built with the premise of reducing the prohibitive cost barrier that may stop potential students from pursuing their goals. The application introduces a new way to teach and assess student instruction through a virtual space in the form of a web application. The goal of the application is to allow students to learn, be tested on, and improve their knowledge in classes they’re involved in. Much like existing platforms like Top Hat, professors can host remote lectures, create quizzes, view grades, and plan ahead using the calendar. Our tool aims to aid instructors in their classes by providing a method of interaction with students that not only aids in learning but allows for review and critical analysis of student understanding and comprehension of course material. The application is designed to be used on any device with a web browser, Alert hopes to give students of any means the ability to learn from the comfort of their own homes. The application presents user information through an aesthetically pleasing interface that allows for quick access to different courses a user might be taking. Users can customize this page to allow for more specification towards their specific style of learning or to simply reduce clutter. Each user's unique information is backed up to a database for easy retrieval and recovery. To maintain the security of data, users must log in to authenticate themselves, which also acts as a means for retrieving specific user data. Built to be an open-source product, we hope for the design to be the starting point to various modifications and improvements by various instructors or institutions removing a prohibitive cost barrier for students using similar products.