Project thumbnail image
College of Engineering Unit: 
Civil and Construction Engineering
Project Team Member(s): 
Karlee Hendricks, Kolby Hoover, Samuel Meier, Juan Ruiz Hernandez and Jonathan Ebersole
Physical Location at Expo: 
Campus Way
Project ID: 
Project Description: 

McClaine Street is a heavily trafficked arterial roadway located in Silverton, Oregon that connects the city to Highway 213. This street currently has localized flooding issues from groundwater seeps occurring south of the roadway, no current stormwater system, and no painted bike lanes. 

The main design objective for this project is to elevate the historic McClaine Street into a lively corridor that is accessible by foot, bicycle, and car. This will be accomplished by addressing the localized flooding by implementing a stormwater system and redesigning the road for efficient transportation flow. The three disciplines working through this design were water resources, geomatics, and transportation.

In order to design and size the stormwater system, the water resource engineers first used the rational method to calculate the runoff volume for a 25-year storm per City of Silverton Standards. The selected design is to construct stormwater planters that drain into a mainline system of manholes in between non-reinforced concrete and PVC lengths of piping. This system will connect to the existing manhole at the intersection of Westfield and McClaine Street.

The geomatics engineer focused on the finished grade of the road so that the water could easily runoff and be collected by the stormwater system. It was determined that the design would consist of a 2% grade down each side of the road from the centerline to the gutter. Then a 5% grade throughout the gutter length and into the curb line where curb cutouts would allow drainage into the planters. Overall, it was determined that there would be no change in the centerline location.

Then the transportation engineers designed the components of the right-of-way, such as a 5-foot sidewalk, a 4-foot planter and streetlight space, 0.5-foot curbs, 5-foot bike lanes, and a 10-foot lane for each roadway. Along with these new dimensions, there would be an introduction of bike lanes in both travel directions and a new configuration of the Westfield and McClaine Street intersection to allow for these bike lanes. 

Overall these designs would increase accessibility for both pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles while addressing the existing issue of localized flooding.