track town pizza thumbnail
Project Description: 

Track Town Pizza is a themed pizzeria in honor of Eugene being Track Town USA. It is a town favorite and attracts many locals and out of area people to come eat at the historic restaurant. Currently, they are missing out on a huge market due to their lack of technology. Technology plays a big part in attracting customers in our technology driven world. Currently, Track Town Pizza has a website that is hard to use and lacks up-to-date information. We want to change that for Track Town Pizza. We are going to update the business’ website. This upgrade in technology will allow Track Town to compare to many large restaurants in the technology sector. It will also allow Track Town to engage with a larger audience and attract more customers to the business.

Project Team Member(s): 
Aiden Nelson
Kaitlin Hill
Hannah Vaughan
College of Engineering Unit(s): 
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Undergraduate Project
YouTube Video Link(s): 
Winter Progress Video
Project Communication Piece(s): 
PDF icon Project Showcase Poster8.55 MB
PDF icon Project Archive Document27.81 MB
Industry Sponsor: 
Track Town Pizza
Project ID: