Project Description: 

This project is developed using virtual reality (VR) equipment to immerse players in a virtual construction site. This virtual site is designed to train workers to prevent safety hazards around a job site. Trainees would be tasked with navigating the VR construction site to find dangerous situations and fix them. The trainees will be able to finish levels and receive grades on how well they performed. This process will train workers to deal with hazards without them actually being in danger.

Project Team Member(s): 
Steven Phillips
Michael Commins
Xizhi "Peter" Yang
College of Engineering Unit(s): 
Civil and Construction Engineering
Undergraduate Project
YouTube Video Link(s): 
Run Time Level Builder/Editor
Run Time VR Game play of Construction Training Simulation
Project Communication Piece(s): 
PDF icon VRCTS_RequirementsDoc.pdf305.87 KB
Project ID: