There are several problems that exist currently in today’s media coverage. The biggest problem in today’s media is bias. News sources exhibit their beliefs, morals and values throughout their media and try to cast it upon their audience. This is a problem because readers and listeners are not getting a factual description or story of current events they are absorbing. Not only do news companies display bias in their articles and other media but they provide inaccurate factual evidence, an increase in sentiment causing stories to be more emotionally heightened than usual, and a strong motivation for profit rather than educating the audience. Our project's main focus is to match news stories from opposing biases and let the viewer decide for themselves which story is more credible. Allowing the user to read each side of the story gives them a more succinct understanding of what the facts are in the story. It also allows them to visually identify the role that bias plays in modern news and social media. With the recent campaign against "fake news" in America, we decided to only compare political news articles, as these types of events are the most clouded by bias. We have chosen to use 12 different news sources, all with varying bias. We have given each source a bias level based on an Allsides.com ranking that they have came up with from extensive research. Our goal with choosing political news stories is to open people's eyes to the bias in news (specifically political news). We want to give users the option of seeing both sides of the story because it will hopefully reduce their confirmation bias.