The High Altitude Rocket Aerodynamics and Recovery Sub-Team of 2019-2020 overcame many challenges to design systems that demonstrate aerodynamic efficiency and safe recovery of a two-stage rocket that simulates an apogee of 120,000 ft. Fins, nose cones, simulations, and the parachute recovery system are four critical areas of analysis for Aero & Recovery. Computer simulators OpenRocket and RASAero II were used in conjunction to help finalize the design of the fins and nose cone. RASAero II was used to predict stability, velocity, and apogee of the rocket, which affects the different stages' recovery system. Black powder charges eject drogue and main parachutes to recover both stages of the rocket in re-flyable condition.
Oregon State High Altitude Rocketry Team - Aerodynamics and Recovery
Project Description:
Project Team Member(s):
Theodore Gorchels
Jose Toledo
Gabriel Kemling
College of Engineering Unit(s):
Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering
Undergraduate Project
Project ID: