The Structures and Propulsion subteam is charged with designing and manufacturing the structural components and propulsion system of the OSU USLI teams 2019 - 2020 Launch Vehicle. To complete this project, the subteam designed and constructed launch vehicle consisting of a nose cone, fore section airframe tube, and aft section airframe tube. The nose cone complies with team requirements specifying mounting and ejection specifications. The fore section houses a payload and main parachute along with mounting points for both systems. The aft section is housing a drogue parachute, an apogee variance system, the motor, and the fins. There is a coupling system designed to connect these sections together during flight that will survive multiple deployment and recovery cycles of the launch vehicle, complying with team requirements. The launch vehicle was designed to be able to be prepped and ready for launch within 2 hours. The launch vehicle was designed to be reused, being able to launch twice in one day, complying with team requirements.
NASA University Student Launch Initiative - Structures and Propulsion
Project Description:
Project Team Member(s):
Nathan Kentner
James Felsher
Gerardo Davila
Wyatt Hougham
College of Engineering Unit(s):
Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering
Undergraduate Project
Project Website(s):
Project ID: