Project thumbnail image
College of Engineering Unit: 
Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering
Project Team Member(s): 
Victoria Keller
Brendelynn Stuart
Dylan Anderson
Wren Hamilton
Samuel Long
Project ID: 
Project Description: 

Oregon State University's Design, Build, Fly team provides students a hands-on opportunity to participate in aerospace design challenges. The team is led by senior capstone engineering students, but all are welcome and encouraged to participate. The team focuses on meeting competition guidelines that will change annually depending on specified missions that year. Our missions this year included simulated medical and passenger evacuation with an added 2.5 foot parking space requirement, leading to our large fuselage and folding wing design. Don't hesitate! Visit our website for more information to become a part of this amazing team!

This team is open to networking
This team is open to collaboration opportunities
This team is open to employment offers
Team Captain/Coordinator Email Address: