Project thumbnail image
College of Engineering Unit: 
Nuclear Science and Engineering
Project Team Member(s): 
Braeden Boehlecke
Clay Jablonski
Sten Moyers
Ben Kyle
Project ID: 
Project Description: 

This project strived to better understand how neutron radiography can be used to understand defects introduced during advanced manufacturing of materials. This can lead to the development of a better understanding of how additive manufacturing impacts metal's material structure. While additive manufacturing allows for geometries that are impossible to make with other methods, a primary drawback is the negative effects that it can have on material strength. This experiment utilized the Oregon State TRIGA Reactor’s (OSTR) Neutron Radiography Facility (NRF) to image prefabricated metal bed samples to gain a better understanding of how pores and defects form. This was done by imaging 3D-printed metallic samples on a gadolinium Neutron Imaging Plates (NIPs). This allows for direct observation of the NRF’s capabilities regarding material imaging. When conducting the experiment, the group used six samples made from the same materials with varying print speeds. The samples were taped to the Gd NIP using low sodium tape and placed in the NRF. After images were analyzed, it was found that the micrometer-scale defects were not resolved due to various issues and oversights. This project had the goal of improving knowledge within material science, by first understanding the capabilities of the Neutron Radiography Facility and determine its shortcomings. 

Project Communication Piece(s): 
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