Project thumbnail image
College of Engineering Unit: 
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Project Team Member(s): 
Frank Wong
Mason Obery
Megan Herrington
Project ID: 
Project Description: 

This research team is investigating semiconductor device technologies that have the potential to lay the groundwork for next-generation organic light-emitting diode (OLED) low-power display devices. Amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide thin-film transistors (AMeTFTs) have been developed by Amorphyx, Inc. to drive OLEDs more efficiently than existing display technologies. The goal of this project is to assist Amorphyx, Inc. in the understanding of field-effect mobility in the amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide thin-film transistors they have developed via measurement of transfer, output, and CV curves. A secondary goal is to design a pixel-driver circuit using these transistors and present our findings at an electronic display conference in May.

Industry Sponsor(s): 
Amorphyx Inc.
Team Captain/Coordinator Email Address: