Project thumbnail image
College of Engineering Unit: 
Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering
Project Team Member(s): 
Casey Spencer, Gustavo Merino and Ben Dodak
Project ID: 
Project Description: 

The goal is to convert woody biomass from paper mill waste into biomethanol. Biomethanol can be used in a similar way as natural gas, by burning it to create electricity. Biomethanol has a lower carbon output than typical fossil fuels which in turn makes it a viable fuel source. By converting 1000 tons of biomass into biomethanol, we will determine the volume and energy this process can produce.

Industry Sponsor(s): 
  • Ken Dragoon
  • Matt Kirsch
  • Opportunities: 
    This team is open to networking
    This team is open to collaboration opportunities
    This team is open to employment offers

    This team accepts email messages from attendees: