Project thumbnail image
College of Engineering Unit: 
Civil and Construction Engineering
Project Team Member(s): 
Jamie Trohimovich
Isaac Anderson
Katherine Dirksen
Michael Schumacher
Sean Loughran
Project ID: 
Project Description: 

This is the capstone project for group TL1 as part of the 2024 CCE capstone design course. This project is a redesign of the intersection of O.B. Riley Road-Cook Avenue and US Highway 20 which is located in Tumalo, Oregon. The site was considered for possible improvements due to issues with traffic and pedestrian safety and deteriorating pavement. The chosen design alternative for the project is a roundabout installation and includes considerations from traffic, water resources, and geotechnical engineering disciplines.

Project Communication Piece(s): 
This team is open to networking
This team is open to employment offers
Team Captain/Coordinator Email Address: