Project thumbnail image
College of Engineering Unit: 
Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering
Project Team Member(s): 
William Hansen
Daniel Lobatos
William Schultheis
Project ID: 
Project Description: 

The team's purpose of being formed is to design and create a small, portable, and universal door stopper to securely keep doors shut in emergencies. The necessity of this product rises because of the unfortunate rise in school shootings globally. There is an urgent need for a portable and universal doorstop. Our doorstop aims to assist students and teachers around the world in their classrooms in times of need. No matter what kind of door is used for the classroom.

The main goal of the team is to create a device that is capable of locking out a door, regardless of the material or configuration of the door in any given classroom. Smaller goals include making the device lightweight and small enough that it can be transported comfortably in any backpack or most handbags. Though the team is committed to creating a device that inherently meets the smaller goals, it is recognized that the main concern is the ability to lock out most, if not all doors it is used on. The team strives to deliver a quality prototype, that with minor adjustments, could be sold on the market as a quality product. The team will not deliver a device that meets “school project” quality standards.

YouTube Video Link(s): 
Doorstop Team C overview.
Industry Sponsor(s): 
This team is open to networking
This team is open to collaboration opportunities
Team Captain/Coordinator Email Address: