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College of Engineering Unit: 
Nuclear Science and Engineering
Project Team Member(s): 
Calvin Cressman
Jacob Riddle
Jerome Lim
Sam Lalley
Project ID: 
Project Description: 

As the technologies used to monitor and operate a nuclear reactor plant continues to advance, there is a need to consider how this will affect the new generation of nuclear operators. It is projected that Generation Z individuals, the first generation to grow up with personal technologies like computers and smart phones, will saturate all entry level jobs in the nuclear energy field by 2025. As the transition from completely analog monitoring systems to fully digital monitoring and operating systems takes place, it is imperative to consider design concepts already familiar to Generation Z operators to optimize their efficiency.

A comprehensive literature review of numerous studies on the best practices of user interface, user experience, and human factors design for digital displays reveals that there are several key principles that apply to all digital display systems. These findings emphasized the importance of having highlighted key operating parameters, familiar formatting and layout, consistent and easily recognized language, and clear and intuitive alerts. 

These findings were further supported by a research survey conducted of 972 Naval Nuclear trained operators. Although several trends were identified in the survey, the survey indicated that data and trend analysis of key reactor parameters had significantly improved throughout the transition from analog to digital monitoring methods.

Modern designs of nuclear control rooms have already been developed and validated, such as NuScale Power’s VOYGR, Westinghouse’s AP1000, and X-Energy's Xe-100. By utilizing two Oregon State University students as operators of NuScale’s NSIDE, various forms of user evaluation methods were employed. It was shown through their evaluations that NuScaledesigned their operating interface with user experience and user interface design in mind. Thiswas a key component to NuScale producing the first small modular reactor to be licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Committee.

Refining a standardized set of criteria for user experience and interface design by conducting a thorough literature review complemented by a focused research survey would aid new nuclear operators navigating the realm of digital interfaces. Through this process, four pivotal components have emerged as particularly crucial. NuScale's NSIDE, a fully digital nuclear control room, embodies all aspects of this refined criteria.

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