Project thumbnail image
College of Engineering Unit: 
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Project Team Member(s): 
Ian Van Emmerik
Devin Fahnestock
Tristan Ligtvoet
Project ID: 
Project Description: 

The A-Life Challenge project aims to create an interactive and immersive simulation of dynamically generated virtual creatures. Our goal is to showcase the creative potential of genetic algorithms. Using the Godot Engine, we have created an oceanic ecosystem of creatures that look and behave differently depending on their genetics. Creatures can swim, eat, reproduce, and more, all in real time. As you fast forward the simulation, you'll be able to see how the structures and behaviors of creatures evolve over time to suit local environmental factors, based solely on the principles of Darwinian evolution. Each creature's body consists of a branching tree of connected nodes, and each node is responsible for different biological functions. That means creatures can have completely unique structures, they can become injured, they can physically propel themselves through the water, and they can even evolve behavioral patterns that respond to changes in their status or surroundings.

YouTube Video Link(s): 
Project Demonstration
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