Project thumbnail image
College of Engineering Unit: 
Civil and Construction Engineering
Project Team Member(s): 
Mason Lindorf
Max Billing
Christian Pena
Harrison Blanton
Josh Kastler
Project ID: 
Project Description: 

This project is takes place in Mill City, Oregon, located fifty minutes southeast of Salem, Oregon. The project includes the fully executed design of the Mill City Falls park, which was completed by the industry design team in two phases. This capstone team elected to focus solely on Phase 2, which follows the completion of an entertainment plaza and parking expansions at the north end of the site. Primary considerations for the design in Phase 2 included maintaining access to an existing sanitary sewer lift station, mitigating the challenging existing grade, improving pedestrian accessibility, and meeting the stormwater treatment and detention requirements set by local regulatory agencies. The team also elected to design irrigation and potable water systems to provide green vegetation and drinking fountains to the public.

Team Captain/Coordinator Email Address: