Project thumbnail image
College of Engineering Unit: 
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Project Team Member(s): 
Anna Murphy, Noah Hudkins and Emmett Glaser
Project ID: 
Project Description: 

The A-Life Challenge builds upon a body of software-based artificial life research. We simulate cellular automata in a virtual environment which can reproduce with genetic mutations so we can observe artificial evolution. Factors of the simulated environment which affect the lifecycle of organisms can be changed to observe the effects on the emergent evolution. The simulation collects statistics about the organisms and a complete evolutionary tree which can later be viewed. The project has a backend written in C++ and a frontend written in Python.

The code for the A-Life Challenge in open source. You can view it at the Github link and run it for yourself.


Demo Video

Project Website(s): 
Project Communication Piece(s): 
PDF icon Slides showing how the porject works456.16 KB

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