The current process for students finding and signing up for events on campus today is one that many find to be confusing. Students receive emails about school events that often do not piqué their interests. So when attempting to find an event that does, it can prove to be a large task in searching for one. A tool that allows staff and students to stay better organized and informed about school events would prove to be helpful to the event organizers and attendees alike.
The Oregon State Event Planner provides staff and students a platform for managing and signing up for events in an all-in-one web application. Students can to log in to the app using their OSU email and browse, search, and sign up for events hosted on campus. OSU faculty can login using their OSU emails and are provided with event management options such as deleting events, creating new ones, editing, or tracking event attendance. Users are able to not only sign up for these events, but track their own personal event page to stay up to date on their upcoming events. With the capabilities of the OSU Event Planner today, the goal for the future is to not only ease the current event management process, but to invite opportunities for more events on campus that were unlikely to happen before.